An Inquiry the Change of Recognition into a Research Method through Oral Statements in History of Physical Education 체육사에서 구술을 통한 연구방법에 대한 인식 변화
박기동KiDongPark , 김용수YongSooKim
49(3) 1-10, 2010
An Inquiry the Change of Recognition into a Research Method through Oral Statements in History of Physical Education 체육사에서 구술을 통한 연구방법에 대한 인식 변화
박기동KiDongPark , 김용수YongSooKim
The purpose of this study was to seek the change of recognition about the application of oral research by examining the limitations of oral history method and discussing the objectivity, which is the most challenging problem to researcher, in connection with preceding study theses. The conclusions are as follows. In the research method through oral statements in history of physical education, first of all, theoretical frame, analytic frame and conceptional frame base on documents should be presented. In the course of continuous study, oral materials will play an important role in studying new findings and checking up existing hypothesis. Especially, we should know oral history research, one of the qualitative researches, is not old or whole stories at all but it is our own lives and conditions constitute ourselves. This means we can understand we are the agents describing ourselves and making history by returning an aspect of athletic history to the common people. In addition to this, by examining the traces of domination critically, which are carved in memories of people who are around me, including me, we can open the vision through facing up to the present and looking out the future.
Key Words
Physical education, oral statements, oral history method, change of recognition
A Study on the Ambivalent Character of the Modern Sports Focused on the Case Doping 도핑의 예를 통해서 본 근대스포츠의 이중성
49(3) 11-19, 2010
A Study on the Ambivalent Character of the Modern Sports Focused on the Case Doping 도핑의 예를 통해서 본 근대스포츠의 이중성
The major premise of the anti-doping discourse is a making comparison from the contrast between sport and doping. According to the premise, sport must be a sacred world, while on the other doping come under the dirty category. But my central theme is the family connection between modern sport and doping. It is my view that the comprehensive mechanization of high-performance contains, and in some ways conceals, an agenda for human development for which high-performance athletes serve as ideal models. High-performance sport has become an exercise in human engineering that aims at producing not simply an athletic type, but a human type as well. Modern society which make progressivism as an ideal, demands bigger, faster and stronger(citius, altius, fortius) athletes. The ideal of sport is the same. The pursuit of the record performance, or the supreme performance, is a celebration of the logic of technological civilization.
Key Words
The ideal of modern sport, the ambivalent character of the modern sports, doping, rationality
Research for Actual Fighting and System of the Technical of Taekwondo Poomsae and Sparring 태권도 품새와 겨루기 기술의 체계정립과 실전성 모색
49(3) 21-31, 2010
Research for Actual Fighting and System of the Technical of Taekwondo Poomsae and Sparring 태권도 품새와 겨루기 기술의 체계정립과 실전성 모색
The most typical system of Taekwondo technique is poomsae and sparring. Therefore, both of the techniques should be to do with and articulated each other. While poomsae is a formalized training pattern which is based on the actual fighting, sparring is characterized by applying the standardized poomsae technique to the actual fight. However, the mutual technical system is still ambiguous and heterogenous. This situation is caused by not trying out to connect sincerely the 'form' and 'matter' which are the original characteristics of poomsae and sparring. Thus, the purpose of this study is to conceptualize the philosophical meaning of poomsae and sparring, and is seeking to the benefits of Taekwondo technique and considering a measure of an actual fight by trying out to connect technically each other.
Key Words
Taekwondo technique, Poomsae, Sparring
Needs and Challenges for Introduction of Sports Digital Archives 스포츠 디지털 아카이브 도입의 필요성과 과제
구강본KangBonGoo , 김현수HyunSueKim , 오병돈ByoungDonOh
49(3) 33-44, 2010
Needs and Challenges for Introduction of Sports Digital Archives 스포츠 디지털 아카이브 도입의 필요성과 과제
구강본KangBonGoo , 김현수HyunSueKim , 오병돈ByoungDonOh
Along with a great leap forward in IT technology, the academic development of archival studies has reaped remarkable achievements. Under the historical influence of accelerated development of descriptive materials, the means of historical records have turned rapidly from traditional ‘handwriting’ toward digital technology. Such civilizational ‘records’ of mankind have a strong tendency to extend into ‘records’ based on unprocessed raw materials beyond their ideological origins that have been abided by historical science to date. This tendency involves requirements for a specialized institution to keeping, managing and utilizing any documentary heritages in records and archives. The advent of archives as an emerging concept involving those requirements entails needs for records and archives on sport in an aspect of contemporary mainstream culture. Accordingly, this study intends to critically reflect on contemporary perceptions and profiles of sport-related archives implemented by some parties concerned, and also to discuss practical needs and challenges for introducing sports digital archives toward developmental orientations. As a part of efforts to improve historical senses of sport in cultural aspect, which have been more or less overlooked in Korean physical education and sport, this study suggested several developmental challenges such as adherence to principle of provenance and original order; objective screening criteria of archives; enhancement of reproducibility; organic relationships between knowledge accumulation and public access; and nurture of professional archivists specializing in sport.
Issues in Restructuring University Departments of Physical Education and Sport in Korea 대학 체육계열학과 재편을 위한 논제 검토
김홍식HongSikKim , 민현주HyeonJooMin
49(3) 45-55, 2010
Issues in Restructuring University Departments of Physical Education and Sport in Korea 대학 체육계열학과 재편을 위한 논제 검토
김홍식HongSikKim , 민현주HyeonJooMin
The university departments of physical education and sport have been developed very rapidly in Korea during 50years. But there are many confusions in the curriculums which are based on the directions and academic structure of each departments. So this study aimed to refine the directions and academic structure(structure of knowledge) of the university departments of physical education and sport. This study engaged to manifest the structure of knowledges which departments of physical education and sport are pursued; knowing that, knowing how to, and criticized three directions of the university departments of physical education and sport which was argued by Newell(1990); performance, practice, discipline. As a result, this study suggested that departments of physical education and sport are needed to make divide their directions clearly to three categories. First, discipline centered departments should be pursue knowing that about physical activity. Second, practice centered departments should be combine knowing that and knowing how to. Third, performance centered departments should be focus to ensure knowing how to.
Key Words
University departments of physical education and sport, knowing that, knowing how to, performance, practice, discipline
A Critic on Required Subjects for Korean Middle School Physical Educator and the Position of Philosophy of Physical Education 중등학교 체육교사 자격 기본이수교과목 구성의 타당성과 체육철학의 위치
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 김홍식HongSikKim
49(3) 57-69, 2010
A Critic on Required Subjects for Korean Middle School Physical Educator and the Position of Philosophy of Physical Education 중등학교 체육교사 자격 기본이수교과목 구성의 타당성과 체육철학의 위치
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 김홍식HongSikKim
The purpose of this study was to examine justification of required subjects for middle school physical educator(Notification No. 2007-161 by ministry of education, science and technology), Especially, this study criticized "historyㆍphilosophy of physical education" as a subject which was emerged in the required subjects. This study attempted to analyze the national standard for physical educator in Korea, USA etc., and to compare philosophy with history in the perspective of academic characteristics. The results are as followings. Firstly, "historyㆍphilosophy of physical education" as a subject is uncommon in the standards of INTASC, NBPTS, NASPE ICHPER․SD. Secondly, it is difficult to compose a subject with philosophy and history. Because of philosophy and history are different basically. Someone would be thinks that historyㆍphilosophy is the history of thought, but the history of thought is not only philosophy, but history.
Key Words
Required subjects, national standard for physical educator, history philosophy of physical education
The Effect of The Relation of Physical Activity of Inter Family to Children`s Physical Fitness 가족 간 신체활동의 관계가 유아자녀의 체력에 미치는 영향
49(3) 71-80, 2010
The Effect of The Relation of Physical Activity of Inter Family to Children`s Physical Fitness 가족 간 신체활동의 관계가 유아자녀의 체력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate a children's sports talent model and to verify it's appropriateness. For this purpose all the theories about talent's development processes and measurement methods were examined and used to form the measurement variables of fundamental movement skills, physical fitness, sports achievement motivation. The fundamental movements skill variables consisted locomotion, manipulation and stability movement skills, the physical fitness variables were composed of the two factors health related fitness and performance related fitness. The sports achievement variables were formed by the factors aspiration level, adventurousness, achievement task preference, endurance and self-confidence. The sports talent measurement model was used to do research to 700 children in the age of 5-6, applying a multi-group factor model(Structural Equation Modeling) analysis. According to the results, the children's sports talent measurement model composed of movement skills, physical fitness and sports achievement motivation, was proved appropriateness. Besides, the results of the age and sex related multi-group analysis showed an approval equivalence index, the sports talent model also proved to be applicable to boys as well as girls in the age of 5-6.
Key Words
inter family, physical activity, children`s physical fitness
The Protocol Development of Leisure Activity Program for Elderly Suicide Prevention in the Aging Society: Applied Sociology of Sports Approach 현대사회 노인의 자살예방을 위한 여가활동 프로그램의 프로토콜 개발: 응용스포츠사회학적접근
The Protocol Development of Leisure Activity Program for Elderly Suicide Prevention in the Aging Society: Applied Sociology of Sports Approach 현대사회 노인의 자살예방을 위한 여가활동 프로그램의 프로토콜 개발: 응용스포츠사회학적접근
This study was intended to provide basic materials necessary to develop the protocol of leisure activity program for elderly suicide prevention in aging society. To attain this goal, this study attempted to investigate domestic and overseas literature review, Delphi, interview of expert group comprised. The sample of the study were Delphi group(n=28), expert interview group(N=19), verification group(N=67). It used the research method that many-sided aspects. Analyzed using SPSS ver. 14.0 and qualitative method. Based on the above research method and procedures, the following conclusion was drawn: There were 40 protocols with the connection between the stage of establishing the target and the stage of evaluating the conditions, component elements at the stage of evaluating the conditions and the protocol elements at the stage of constructing were 101 protocols, the protocol elements at the stage of constructing the contents and at the implementation stage were 83 protocols, the protocol elements by sub-stage of the implementation stage were connected with those by sub-stage of the evaluation stage were 73 protocols. In the result the protocol elements by planning stage of the leisure activity program for elderly suicide prevention were 297 connected.
Key Words
Suicide prevention, Leisure activity program, protocol, aging society
A Q-methodology Study on the Leisure Satisfaction Patterns for Leisure Activity participants 여가활동 참여자의 여가만족 유형화에 대한 Q 방법론적 연구
안병욱ByoungWookAhn , 여인성InSungYeo , 구창모ChangMoKoo
49(3) 103-113, 2010
A Q-methodology Study on the Leisure Satisfaction Patterns for Leisure Activity participants 여가활동 참여자의 여가만족 유형화에 대한 Q 방법론적 연구
안병욱ByoungWookAhn , 여인성InSungYeo , 구창모ChangMoKoo
The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure satisfaction pattern for leisure activity participant. For analysis, Q methodology was applied, which has been known as being useful to identify individual's subjectivity structure. The research question raised in this study included what are the satisfaction of leisure activity. For the study, a Q-sample, made 34 statements exploring the leisure activity participants attitude and value system, was used. In addition P-sample was composed of 41(expert panel group and leisure activity participants group). The result that leisure activity participants were categorized into five groups. They were named as ‘self-developing type’ those who have wanted development and happiness for oneself, ‘stress solution type’ those who have that stress resolved through leisure activity, ‘promotion of health type’ those who have been interested in physical and mental health, ‘developing technically type’ those who have developed skill for leisure activity, and ‘interpersonal relation type’ those who have meet new people.
Key Words
Leisure activity, Leisure satisfaction patterns
Golf Gambling Participants` Interaction Patterns during Their Golf Rounding 골프라운딩 시 내기골프 참가자들의 상호작용 패턴
김영호YoungHoKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
49(3) 115-124, 2010
Golf Gambling Participants` Interaction Patterns during Their Golf Rounding 골프라운딩 시 내기골프 참가자들의 상호작용 패턴
김영호YoungHoKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate ‘Golf Gambling Participants' Interaction Patterns during their Golf Round. This study utilized grounded theory for the analysis of qualitative data collected by in-depth interviews (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). For accomplishing this purpose of this study, Six males who participated in the golf round and agreed to serve as the informants of the study were selected as informants for the study. They raged from 40 to 46 years of age, with the golf round experience from 3 years to 8 years. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and non-participants observation during the period from June, 2009 through October, 2009. From the result of this study, the following findings were obtained; The process of interaction patterns of golf gambling participants are multiple and interactive process. This piled interaction process, The process of the interaction patterns' formation was like that;. The interaction patterns of golf gambling participants are constructed by interactions of individual influence factor - between partners influence factor interaction, individual influence factor - environmental influence factor interaction, and between partners influence factor - environmental influence factor interaction. Totally, the interaction patterns of golf gambling participants can be explained by interactions among the whole factors, which is individual influence factor, between partner influence factor and environmental influence factor.
Key Words
Golf rounding, golf gambling participants, interaction patterns, grounded theory
The Study on Network Structures of Sport Promotion Enterprise in Local Governance 지역사회 체육진흥사업의 기관(단체)간 상호 연결망구조
49(3) 125-135, 2010
The Study on Network Structures of Sport Promotion Enterprise in Local Governance 지역사회 체육진흥사업의 기관(단체)간 상호 연결망구조
The purpose of this study was to investigate network structures of sports promotion enterprise in local governance. In detail, this study not only to looked at the relational attribution of variables but also network structures of sport promotion enterprise in local governance. To accomplish this purpose, the study was divided into four major department of enterprise: sports for all, elite sports, sport facilities and adapted activities. A total of 58 managers that were in charge of enterprises were selected by this study through surveys in Korea. The data for the study was collected through the survey questionnaires that were completed by the method of self-administration. After completion, the data was processed through the Pajek program for network analysis. The conclusions of this study are obtained as follows, looking at network structures, a resource network structure has the highest centralization among all. After that the order from highest to lowest is an follows; acquaintance network structure, request network structure, discussion network structure and power network structure. The main organizations of network structure were MCST(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), SOSFO(Seoul Olympic Sports Foundation), KOC(Korea sport council) and local government and so on.
Key Words
Local governance, sport promotion enterprise, network
Visual Search Strategy & Anticipation Skill between Expert and Non-Expert in Baseball 야구 타자의 숙련성에 따른 시각탐색 전략과 예측 능력의 차이
김상현SangHyunKim , 김상범SangBumKim
49(3) 137-146, 2010
Visual Search Strategy & Anticipation Skill between Expert and Non-Expert in Baseball 야구 타자의 숙련성에 따른 시각탐색 전략과 예측 능력의 차이
김상현SangHyunKim , 김상범SangBumKim
The aim of this study was to investigate the differences of visual search strategy & anticipation skill between expert and non-expert in baseball hitter. Ten experts and ten non-experts participated in the experiment. To analyze the gaze behavior, the pitcher's pitch motion divided into three sequential phases: the first phase (stretch), the second phase (kicking) and the third phase (power position-finish). Visual search strategies were analyzed to the ratio of visual fixation time, visual fixation frequency, visual fixation location and visual search rate. Anticipation skill was measured from the choice among the three possibilities (straight ball, curve ball, slider ball) and calculated to the percentage of correct choices from forty eight trials. The experimental data were analyzed with an independent t-test. The major results obtained from this study were as follows. First, expert showed lower visual search rate and more efficient visual search strategies than non-expert. Second, expert showed the fixation location on space area, meanwhile, non-expert showed the fixation location on body area. Third, expert showed more excellent anticipation skill than non-expert.
Key Words
Baseball, visual search strategy, anticipation
The Effects of Postural Constraints in Children and Adults of Target Distance Estimation 아동과 성인의 자세가 목표물위치판단에 미치는 영향
이지혜JiHyeLee , 이효경HyoKyungLee
49(3) 147-155, 2010
The Effects of Postural Constraints in Children and Adults of Target Distance Estimation 아동과 성인의 자세가 목표물위치판단에 미치는 영향
이지혜JiHyeLee , 이효경HyoKyungLee
This study was designed to examine differences in ability of children (age nine to ten) and adults to identify distances to randomly flashing seven target lights from three different postures i.e., constrained seated posture, unconstrained seated posture, and unconstrained standing posture. The ultimate goal of the research was to investigate the influence of different postures on the accuracy of target distance estimation ability. An experiment was conducted for this purpose and fifteen right-handed children (aged nine to ten) and eighteen right-handed adult participants were involved in this experiment. At first, a researcher orally asked participants if they were able to estimate the distance to seven randomly flashing light target locations. Then, the baseline distance was measured for each participants, based on how far one can reach with their arm stretched at each posture. Participants were requested to mark the distance of each flashing light from the baseline on the sheet which the researcher had provided. In total, the results suggested that postures had not significant influences on target distance estimation ability. However, the result were interpreted to support the previous findings that children were more prone to accidents due to their underdeveloped perception.
Key Words
Postures, target distance, perception
The Conceptual Structure of Behavioral Activation,Inhibition in P,E Class 체육수업 상황에서 행동활성화와 억제의 개념적 구조
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHuh
49(3) 157-168, 2010
The Conceptual Structure of Behavioral Activation,Inhibition in P,E Class 체육수업 상황에서 행동활성화와 억제의 개념적 구조
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHuh
Recently, the lack of physical activity and increasing rates of teenager obesity have received a great deal of attention in Korea. One way to combat inactivity in teenager is to utilize physical education class as a means to promote active lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to find environment factors that activate or inhibit student's behavior in physical education class on the basis of the theory of behavior activation·inhibition (Caver and White, 1994). To accomplish this purpose, the study set up three steps of survey. First, 141 students answered open type questionnaire for analysis environment factors that activate and inhibit their behavior in physical education class. Second, 387 subjects answered questionnaire in the pilot study, then 703 subjects answered last questionnaire. Data were classified through inductive categorical system and analyzed with descriptive analysis, reliability test, EFA, and CFA. Results are as follows. First, factors that activate student's behavior in physical education class were developed as 4 factors and 16 items, such as positive class attitude, teacher behavior, peer relationship, and emotion change. Second, factors that inhibit student's behavior in physical education class were developed as 4 factors and 22 items, such as teacher's negative attitude, lack of self-efficacy, class structure, and punishment. Third, Goodness of Fit for totals 8 factors that activate and inhibit student's behavior in physical education class was properly verified.
Key Words
Behavior activation, behavior inhibition, teacher behavior, P,E class
The Relations of Perfectionism with 2×2 Achievement Goals and Self-determined Motivation among Physical Education High School Students 체육계열 고등학생의 완벽주의, 2×2 성취목표 및 자기결정적 도기의 관계
49(3) 169-182, 2010
The Relations of Perfectionism with 2×2 Achievement Goals and Self-determined Motivation among Physical Education High School Students 체육계열 고등학생의 완벽주의, 2×2 성취목표 및 자기결정적 도기의 관계
The purpose of the study was to examine the structural relationships between sport perfectionism, 2×2 achievement goals, and self-determined motivation among physical education high school students. 493 students (361 males, 132 females) participated in this study, and multi-group factor analysis was conducted for data analysis. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that striving for perfection a predictor of mastery-approach, whereas negative reaction to imperfection directly predicted mastery-avoidance and performance-avoidance goal. Mastery-approach had a positive impact on intrinsic regulation, but performance-approach positively influenced to intrinsic and extrinsic regulation. Mastery-avoidance predicted intrinsic regulation positively and amotivation negatively, whereas performance-avoidance negatively influenced to amotivation. The effects of Striving for perfection and negative reaction to imperfection on intrinsic and extrinsic regulation were partially mediated by mastery- and performance-approach goals. Latent mean analysis showed that males appeared to have higher levels of striving for perfection, performance-avoidance, and three forms of self-determined regulation, but lower mastery-avoidance goal than females. Fit indices of structural model between male and female students indicated a little difference, but path coefficients were no significant differences across fender.
The Relationships among Degree of Maturation, Goal Orientation and Self-management of Female Badminton Players 여자 배드민턴 선수의 성숙도와 목표성향 및 자기관리의 관계
49(3) 183-192, 2010
The Relationships among Degree of Maturation, Goal Orientation and Self-management of Female Badminton Players 여자 배드민턴 선수의 성숙도와 목표성향 및 자기관리의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze the causal relationships among degree of maturation, goal orientation and self-management of female badminton players. The subjects for this study totalled 134 female badminton players. Instruments of this study were used Athletes Maturation Questionnaire, TEOSQ(Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire) and ASMQ(Athletes' Self-Management Questionnaire). The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 15.0 program. The following conclusions were drawn: First, there were relationships among degree of maturation, goal orientation and self-management of female badminton players. Second, degree of maturation of female badminton players had an effect on goal orientation. Third, goal orientation of female badminton players had an effect on self-management. Fourth, degree of maturation of female badminton players had an effect on self-management.
Key Words
Degree of maturation, goal orientation, self-management, female badminton player
Development of the Korean Falls Efficacy Scale(FES-K) for the Elderly 한국형 노인 낙상효능감 척도(FES-K)의 타당화
허정훈JungHoonHuh , 임승길SeungKilLim , 이동현DongHyunLee
49(3) 193-201, 2010
Development of the Korean Falls Efficacy Scale(FES-K) for the Elderly 한국형 노인 낙상효능감 척도(FES-K)의 타당화
허정훈JungHoonHuh , 임승길SeungKilLim , 이동현DongHyunLee
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the structural validity of The Korean Falls Efficacy Scale. The FES-I was translated and modified considering characteristics of the Korean elderly. The subjects were 487 Korean elderly people (male 152, female 331) The measurement is composed of 16 items based on previous studies and these items were filtered through the content and the face validity. The results of item analysis and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicated that 2 factors, daily life falls efficacy and activity falls efficacy, and 12 items were supported (RMR=.044, CFI=.91, GFI=.89). Cronbach' α was .89-.85 and internal consistency was approved. Therefore, this study adopted two factor model because two factor model with 12 items had higher validity and model fit index than one factor model. The result of two-way ANOVA on two factors by sex and age showed some differences. Men had higher falls efficacy than women and the older the people are, the lower falls efficacy they are likely to have. Men over 75 years old and women over 70 years old had a sharp decrease at the daily life falls efficacy. Therefore, this study suggested that FES-K would be used as a falls efficacy questionnaire for the aged acquiring structural and cultural validity. However, preventive measures of falls must be considered after verifying the relations with various variables in the future.
Key Words
Aged person, falls efficacy, validity
Exploring the Formation Process of Pedagogical Mind-set in a Humanities-Oriented Pre-service PETE class 인문적 예비체육교사교육에서의 교직인성 형성과정 탐색
49(3) 203-218, 2010
Exploring the Formation Process of Pedagogical Mind-set in a Humanities-Oriented Pre-service PETE class 인문적 예비체육교사교육에서의 교직인성 형성과정 탐색
Pedagogical Mind-set means teacher's dispositions as the whole of moral value, emotion, and character. Pre-service physical education teachers can cultivate their character qualities by knowing, feeling and wishing to practice the normative characteristics of physical education and moral role of physical education teacher. The purpose of this research is to understand how pedagogical mind-set is formed through Humanities-Oriented experience in a class and identify the characteristics of its formation. The findings and suggestions are as follows. First, pre-service teachers had a surface understanding and skill-based view but became to have the organic view of physical education subject in the process of critical reflection on the physical education curriculum theory and document. Second, they experienced physical education practitioner's limits and normative practices in narrative form through observation and interviewing with administrative organizations, educational institutes, teacher's associations and teacher's classes. Third, they had a positive understanding for Humanities-Oriented Physical Education(HOPE) and Hanaro Teaching(HT), but they were worried about its possibility of success in schools. Reflective thinking and narrative experience worked as two main intermediate circumstance.
Key Words
Character education, Pedagogical mind-set, reflective thinking, narrative experience
The Effect of Teaching Behaviors on Enjoyment and Flow in Physical Education Class 체육교사의 지도유형이 체육수업의 재미와 몰입에 미치는 영향
이창섭ChangSeopLee , 남상우SangWooNam , 이진희JinHeeLee
49(3) 219-230, 2010
The Effect of Teaching Behaviors on Enjoyment and Flow in Physical Education Class 체육교사의 지도유형이 체육수업의 재미와 몰입에 미치는 영향
이창섭ChangSeopLee , 남상우SangWooNam , 이진희JinHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze how teaching behaviors of physical education(PE) teachers affect enjoyment and flow in PE class according to gender and athletic ability. For achieving this purpose, we distributed questionnaires to 824 middle and high school students and analyzed these data by using t-test and Multiple Regression. With this methodological process, we obtained significant results as follows. First, the result to compare among teaching behaviors of PE teachers, enjoyment and flow in PE class according to sex showed that boys were higher than girls, and an intermediated-skilled group in athletic ability was also higher than poor-skilled group in all variables. Second, a result to analyze the effect of teaching behaviors of PE teachers on enjoyment and flow in PE class according to sex and athletic ability showed that it was more effective to teach a boy with ways of ‘together’ and ‘individualistic’, however, in case of girls, it was better to teach them collectively or individually. According to athletic ability, PE teachers are more effective to teach students with highly-skilled ability in a way which they can participate in the class with teachers to communicate and interact with each others, however, low-skilled students are more effective to be taught in a collective and individual ways.
Key Words
Teaching behaviors, enjoyment, flow, physical education class
An Analysis on the Type of Physical Education Learning Communities in Elementary Education 초등체육 교과연구회 운영의 유형 분석
이승배SeungBaeLee , 전세명SeaMyungJeon
49(3) 231-243, 2010
An Analysis on the Type of Physical Education Learning Communities in Elementary Education 초등체육 교과연구회 운영의 유형 분석
이승배SeungBaeLee , 전세명SeaMyungJeon
The purpose of this study was to analyze the type of physical education learning communities(PELC), that is communities or study group for the teachers' professional development in PE elementary education level. For this study, I checked the management plan of PELC in education bureau of cities and provinces. The data was collected though in-depth interview. Then the data was analyzed by inductive category analysis method. To obtain sympathy validity, peer debriefing and triangulation were used. The result showed that. There are three type of PELC: ‘recruitment’ that new members were invited to the community made by the educational office, ‘contest’ that teachers played along with each other for doing research project, ‘membership’ that teachers participated in community voluntarily. In order to build teacher learning community, it should be the place where teacher not only participate in community but they also are cooperating to exchange and share useful information.
Key Words
Physical education Learning communities, teachers` professional development in PE elementary education
Design of Korea Tourism Package Optimization-using Taekwondo Park 패키지상품의 선호도 분석에 근거한 태권도 공원 연계 한국 관광 패키지 개발방안
49(3) 245-259, 2010
Design of Korea Tourism Package Optimization-using Taekwondo Park 패키지상품의 선호도 분석에 근거한 태권도 공원 연계 한국 관광 패키지 개발방안
The purpose of this study is to find optimal strategies to utilize the currently developing Taekwondo Park to offer a variety of Taekwondo tour packages in Korea and further expand its usage for the development of Korea’s tourism industry. For this study a total of 305 subjects were survey at two of the biggest Taekwondo events hosted by ATA and USAT in USA where is world biggest Taekwondo population. 16 packages were created from 3 types of service program elements planned by the Taekwondo Park, 5 tour resources of Korea and price element. A preference was measured on the 16 packages using ranking analysis and conjoint analysis. First, we found that potential Taekwondo tourists can be divided into 3 or 4 preference types. Second, Taekwondo Park’s pricing strategy should focus on the low-end pricing strategies with high quality service for mass appeal instead of high-end pricing. Third, we found that the optimal bundle of tour elements is combine master classes, pilgrimage, and spiritual, with cultural experiences during their stay in Korea. To accommodate their demand, facilities and packages should be developed accordingly. Fourth, the result prove that Taekwondo Park and main services program which is currently under development will be expect make a contribution to Korea tourism industrial growth. Fifth, the commercialization potential of other Korean martial arts for sport tourism has been identified.
Key Words
Sport tourism, sport package, Taekwondo Park
A Study on Effects of Building of Sports Facilities with Support of National Sports Promotion Fund: Focused on National Sports Centers 체육진흥기금 지원 체육시설 건립의 파급효과: 국민체육센터를 중심으로
A Study on Effects of Building of Sports Facilities with Support of National Sports Promotion Fund: Focused on National Sports Centers 체육진흥기금 지원 체육시설 건립의 파급효과: 국민체육센터를 중심으로
The purpose of the study was to examine effects of building of national sports centers, sports facilities with support of National Sports Promotion Fund of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and to give basic material for promotion of projects supported by National Sports Promotion Fund. The subjects were 650 persons who made use of sports facilities that were built up and operated with support of National Sports Promotion Fund. 630 copies of the questionnaires were finally used after eliminating ineffective copies. SPSS Ver. 14.0 was used. Frequency and descriptive statistics, Industry association model were used. The findings were as follow: As many as 11,050 persons made use of nine of national sports centers, and each one user was estimated to pay 124,131 Won a month. And, all of users of national sports centers spent as much as 1 billion 370 million Won a month to produce economic effect amounting to 23.1 billion Won directly and indirectly. When the monthly money value was converted into annual value, the users' spending was estimated to produce economic effects amounting to 277.6 billion Won. One national sports center produced economic effects amounting to approximate 10.4 billion Won in average by National Sports Promotion Fund so that 54 national sports centers in the nation were estimated to produce economic effects amounting to 566.1 billion Won. Lastly, total effects of building of national sports centers (including National Sports Promotion Fund and users' spending) were estimated to be not only users' expenditure of 277.6 billion Won but also the fund's effects of 94.3 billion Won to have all of resources' economic effects amounting to 372 billion Won: Therefore, all of 54 national sports centers in the nation were estimated to produce economic effects amounting to 231.8 billion Won.
Key Words
National sports promotion fund, national sports center, economic effects, effects of building
The Structural Relationship among Creativity, Passion and Performance of Specialize in Golfer 대학골프전공자의 창의성과 열정 및 경기력의 구조적 관계
김석일SeokIlKim , 임낙철NakChalLim
49(3) 271-280, 2010
The Structural Relationship among Creativity, Passion and Performance of Specialize in Golfer 대학골프전공자의 창의성과 열정 및 경기력의 구조적 관계
김석일SeokIlKim , 임낙철NakChalLim
This research was to identify the relationship among creativity, passion and performance of specialize in golfer attending university. To process the data, this research conducted exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis with SPSS 15.0 program and structure equation model analysis with AMOS 7.0. The results of this research are as followings. First, creativity of specialize in golfer attending university had not significantly positive influence on the obsessive passion. but creativity of specialize in golfer attending university had significantly positive influence on the harmonious passion. Second, creativity of specialize in golfer attending university had significantly positive influence on the performance. Third, passion of specialize in golfer attending university had significantly positive influence on the performance. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
An Exploration of the Student`s Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy in Leisure Sport Leader Training Course through the Problem-Based Learning 문제중심학습(PBL)을 통한 레저스포츠 지도자 양성과정 교육생의 학습동기 및 자기효능감에 관한 탐색
김승용SeungYongKim , 김동환DongWhanKim , 조남기NamKiCho
49(3) 281-292, 2010
An Exploration of the Student`s Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy in Leisure Sport Leader Training Course through the Problem-Based Learning 문제중심학습(PBL)을 통한 레저스포츠 지도자 양성과정 교육생의 학습동기 및 자기효능감에 관한 탐색
김승용SeungYongKim , 김동환DongWhanKim , 조남기NamKiCho
The purpose of this research was to explore the transitional changes of learning motivation and self-efficacy of the participants in the leisure sport instructor education program and accordingly provide fundamental information of what their insightful changes imply to problem-based learning in general. Seven participants in the scuba diving instructor program were selected, observed and interviewed. Specifically, the data were collected from in-depth interviews, observations and related documents and analyzed into the case descriptions, inductive categories and sample cases. Member checks, triangulation and peer debriefing were utilized to obtain trustworthiness in the procedure of data collection and analysis. The results are as follows: Firstly, problem-based learning could be effective to get learners' attention, boost up their learning and increase self-confidence and satisfaction of the participants. Secondly, problem-based learning contributes to positive changes of learners' overall self-efficacy except sentimental and physiological dimensions of it.
The Relationships among Leisure Involvement, Leisure Boredom and the University Life Adjustment in Leisure Activities of University Students 대학생 여가활동참여자의 여가활동 관여도, 여가권태 및 대학생활적응의 관계
하선우SunWooHa , 남윤신YounShinNam
49(3) 293-301, 2010
The Relationships among Leisure Involvement, Leisure Boredom and the University Life Adjustment in Leisure Activities of University Students 대학생 여가활동참여자의 여가활동 관여도, 여가권태 및 대학생활적응의 관계
하선우SunWooHa , 남윤신YounShinNam
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among leisure involvement, leisure boredom and the university life adjustment in leisure activities of students. To achieve the purpose of this study, students who were getting to a university in Seoul, were selected as population of this study. After selecting 10 universities by mean of stratified cluster random sampling method, 890 students were sampled for this study. A total of 668 subjects were used for data analysis. Instruments used in this study were modified consumer involvement profile, leisure boredom scale, university life adjustment scale, To analyze data, multiple regression and path analysis were conducted. The results of this study as follows; First, pleasure, importance, sign of leisure involvement are negatively significant, risk probability are positively significant in leisure boredom. Also, leisure boredom is negatively significant in the university life adjustment. Second, this result was exposed to the caused relationship among leisure involvement, leisure boredom and the university life adjustment.
Key Words
Leisure involvement, Leisure boredom, university Life adjustment
Relationships between Recreation Specialization, Leisure Motivation, Leisure Constraints, and Negotiation Strategies for the College Students 레크리에이션 전문화와 여가동기, 여가제약 및 협상전략의 관계: 대학생을 대상으로
49(3) 303-312, 2010
Relationships between Recreation Specialization, Leisure Motivation, Leisure Constraints, and Negotiation Strategies for the College Students 레크리에이션 전문화와 여가동기, 여가제약 및 협상전략의 관계: 대학생을 대상으로
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationships among leisure motivation, leisure constraint, leisure constraint negotiation, and recreation specialization for college students. A total of 455 students at five universities participated in the study. The correlation analysis and the structural equation modeling analysis were used for this study. As the results, first, leisure motivation had a negative effect on leisure constraint, a positive effect on leisure constraint negotiation, and a positive indirect effect on recreation specialization through leisure constraint and leisure constraint negotiation. Second, leisure constraint negatively influenced recreation specialization. Third, leisure constraint negotiation positively affect recreation specialization. Finally, leisure constraint negotiation did not have a significant effect on leisure constraint. This study could be used to encourage college students to participate in more active leisure or recreational activities. In addition, this study emphasized the importance of leisure education for increasing leisure motivation and overcoming leisure constraints.
A Case Study on University Student`s Participation in Dance Sports Course as Liberal Arts 대학생들의 교양 댄스스포츠 수업 참여 사례연구
조은숙EunSookCho , 백민경MinKyungBack
49(3) 313-320, 2010
A Case Study on University Student`s Participation in Dance Sports Course as Liberal Arts 대학생들의 교양 댄스스포츠 수업 참여 사례연구
조은숙EunSookCho , 백민경MinKyungBack
This study aims to analyze in general and depth the effect through the cases of university students' participation in a required dance sports class. To achieve this object of the study, after 4 participants(2 males, 2 females) in required dance sports who can represent the characteristics of the study were selected by purposeful sampling, the case study was conducted. Data was collected by in-depth interview, documentary survey, descriptive survey, and etc., and collected data was analyzed using an inductive content analysis through the process of encoding and classification. The reliability, validity, and ethics of study were confirmed. As a result of study, the effect of university students' participation in a required dance sports class was analyzed classified into firstly a ripple effect, secondly an effect of promoting interpersonal relations, and thirdly an effect of changes of life. Based on precedent study the implications were discussed.
Key Words
Dance sports, case study, university student’s
Difference in Isokinetic Muscular Strength between Quadriceps Femoris Muscles and Hamstring according to Hip Position Hip Position에 따른 대퇴사두근과 햄스트링의 등속성 근력 차이
49(3) 321-328, 2010
Difference in Isokinetic Muscular Strength between Quadriceps Femoris Muscles and Hamstring according to Hip Position Hip Position에 따른 대퇴사두근과 햄스트링의 등속성 근력 차이
The purpose of this study is to analyze difference in isokinetic muscular strength between quadriceps femoris muscles and hamstring according to hip position given performing and measuring isokinetic exercise. Peak torque, and H/Q ratio are tested in 3 kinds of positions. The research subjects were healthy male undergraduates in their early 20s. It performed test in the angular speed of 60°/s, 180°/s, 240°/s for seated(hip position 100°), supine(hip position 180°), prone(hip position 180°) position by using isokinetic device(Isomed 2000). As the measurement was in order of seated, supine, prone position, it was progressed with the interval of 2-3 days. As a result of research, the extension strength wasn't shown significant difference in 60°/s, 180°/s, 240° for 3 positions. The flexion strength was shown significant difference in all of 60°/s, 180°/s, 240° for 3 positions. Thus, as a result of post-analysis, the seated position was indicated to be significantly higher than supine and prone position. However, the significant difference wasn't shown between supine and prone position. H/Q ratio increased according to a rise in angular speed. The seated position was indicated to be significantly higher than supine and prone position in 60°/s. The seated position was indicated to be significantly higher than prone position in 240°/s. In light of these results, the difference was shown significant difference flexion strength in knee joints according to hip position given performing hamstring exercise. Thus, the hip position and flexion strength are thought to be likely to be necessarily considered given measuring isokinetic exercise.
Key Words
Seated position, hip joint angle, H/Q ratio
Effects of Muscle Strength, Muscle Power, and Muscle Endurance following Resistance Training according to ACTB3 Genotype ACTN3 유전자형에 따른 저항훈련 후 최대근력, 근파워 및 근지구력의 변화 비교
신윤아YunAShin , 김성진SungJinKim
49(3) 329-341, 2010
Effects of Muscle Strength, Muscle Power, and Muscle Endurance following Resistance Training according to ACTB3 Genotype ACTN3 유전자형에 따른 저항훈련 후 최대근력, 근파워 및 근지구력의 변화 비교
신윤아YunAShin , 김성진SungJinKim
This study was to investigate effects of muscle strength, muscle power, and muscle endurance following resistance training according to ACTN3 genotype. Sixty two male university students(24.50±1.84 yrs)were voluntarily participated in this study. There was shown to be statistically significant differences in the genotypic frequencies of ACTN3 R577R(n=18, 31.1%), R577X(n=34, 55.7%), and X577X(n=10, 13.2%), respectively. After 10 weeks of resistance training, body percent fat was significantly decreased and muscle mass was significantly increased. ACTN3 genotype didn't showed the difference of physical characteristic in pre and after resistance training. Prior to resistance training, muscle strength was not significantly difference according to ACTN3 genotype. However, muscle power and muscle endurance were significantly difference according to ACTN3 genotype and muscle power and muscle endurance in XX allele group was significant lower than R577R and R577X genotype. After resistance training, the changes of muscle strength, muscle power, and muscle endurance didn't showed the difference. These findings showed that ACTN3 genotype is no difference in muscle strength, muscle power, and muscle endurance in response to resistance training.
Key Words
ACTN3 genotype, muscle strength, muscle power, muscle endurance, resistance training
Effects of 10 Week Balance Training Program on Dynamic Postural Stability in Ski Players 10주간의 평형성 훈련 프로그램이 스키선수들의 동적자세 아전성에 미치는 효과
김진해JinHaeKim , 안문용MoonYongAn , 박우영WooYoungPark
49(3) 343-352, 2010
Effects of 10 Week Balance Training Program on Dynamic Postural Stability in Ski Players 10주간의 평형성 훈련 프로그램이 스키선수들의 동적자세 아전성에 미치는 효과
김진해JinHaeKim , 안문용MoonYongAn , 박우영WooYoungPark
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 10 week balance training program on dynamic postural stability in ski players. Intervention group(n=13) were involved in 10week balance training program for one hour a day on five times per week. All subjects tested pre and post, sensory organization functions tests(SOT-equilibrium, strategy) and motor control test(MCT-latency, adaptation) by dynamic posturography with EquiTest of NeuroCom. The results as fallow ; In the sensory organization functions tests, the ski players demonstrated significantly higher average stability, and especially condition 4(swaying platform, fixed visual, eyes open), 6(visual and platform not fixed). This group also demonstrated a relatively higher average percentage of ankle strategy in condition 4, 5(swaying platform, eyes closed), 6. In the motor control tests, the intervention group demonstrated a significantly short overall latency time and there is interaction in MF(medium forward). Adaptation test were lower overall directional control, especially significant difference in try(platform toes up and toes down randomly) 1, 2, 5 on. Thus, balance training with program should be recommended to the ski players in order to strengthen their balance stability.
Key Words
Balance training program, dynamic postural stability, strategy, Latency, adaptation
Effects of 12Weeks Core Exercise to Functional Fitness and Temporo-spatial Gait Parameters of Elderly Women 12주간 코어운동 프로그램이 여성노인의 기능성 체력 및 시간적-공간적 보행변인에 미치는 영향
49(3) 353-362, 2010
Effects of 12Weeks Core Exercise to Functional Fitness and Temporo-spatial Gait Parameters of Elderly Women 12주간 코어운동 프로그램이 여성노인의 기능성 체력 및 시간적-공간적 보행변인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the temporo-spatial gait characteristics, function fitness and balance of in older female after 12 weeks core exercise. There were one core exercise groupl(n=22), and the other group did not core exercise(n=20). temporo-spatial parameters of gait were analysed for using the computerized GaitRite system and functional fitness(gait stability, and balance). The data were analyzed repeated measure two way ANOVA for evaluate variables after core exercise. The results of the analysis of functional fitness and gait pattern were as follows: Functional fitness were that core exercise group had an improvement in sit-to-stand(p<0.05), timed up and go(p<0.05), 10 m time(p<0.05), right one leg with eyes opened(p<.05), and left one leg with eyes opened(p<.05). Temporo-spatial parameters of gait were that core exercise group were significantly at length and stride length(p<.05). Therefore these results were that core exercise may cause much more serious level of functional fitness and gait pattern. further studies needs to identify which specific factors are related to specific factor in the elderly population and it is expected this study may core exercise for the prevention and reducing falling, was applied to have a positive impact on the enhancement of the quality of life.
Key Words
Core exercise, functional fitness, Temporo-spatial gait parameters, elderly women
The Change of Muscular Strength and Endurance, Gait Ability on the Sling Exercise in Elderly Women 슬링운동 전·후에 따른 여성노인의 근력, 근 지구력 및 보행능력 변화
한상인SangInHan , 김찬희ChanHoiKim , 오충현ChungHyunOh
49(3) 363-372, 2010
The Change of Muscular Strength and Endurance, Gait Ability on the Sling Exercise in Elderly Women 슬링운동 전·후에 따른 여성노인의 근력, 근 지구력 및 보행능력 변화
한상인SangInHan , 김찬희ChanHoiKim , 오충현ChungHyunOh
The purpose of this study is to know the change of muscular strength and endurance and gait ability of voluntary elderly women over the age of 65 from public health center in Gyeonggi province A city trough the sling exercise. we used the Cybex company's NORM and Kistler company's force plate as experiment implement. And the output received was inputed into SPSS window version 13.0 and the statistical results were used which were Paired-sample t-test. There were significant differences in the categories of left abduction, right abduction at the upper body's muscular strength and left abduction, left adduction at the upper body's muscular endurance and left extention, flextion and right extention, flextion at the lower body's muscular endurance between before and after of the sling exercise. There were significant differences in the categories of left and right on the left and right ground reaction force. The result showed that a meaningful increase in part. Therefore it is considerable that the sling exercise can increase of the muscular strength, endurance and the stability of gait ability.
Effects of 12-Week Combined Exercise on Body Composition and Inflammatory Responses in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell and in plasma 12주간의 복합운동이 신체구성과 말초혈액세포 내외의 염증반응에 미치는 영향
49(3) 373-383, 2010
Effects of 12-Week Combined Exercise on Body Composition and Inflammatory Responses in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell and in plasma 12주간의 복합운동이 신체구성과 말초혈액세포 내외의 염증반응에 미치는 영향
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of 12-week combined training on body composition and inflammatory responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and in plasma. Twenty-five male graduate students carried out this experiment. The subjects were divided into two group; exercise training group (ETG, n=13) and non-exercise control group (NCG, n=12). ETG performed running and muscular resistance training during 12-week period. Body composition [weight, body mass index (BMI), and % body fat], inflammatory response in PBMC [(cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), inhibitor of κB (IκB), and phosphorylated IκB (p-IκB)], and in plasma [C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and Interleukin-6 (IL-6)] were analyzed at before, mid, and after training. There were significant interactive and/or main effects between training group and time in % body fat, COX-2, NF-κB, CRP, and TNF-α (p<.05). In particular, inflammatory responses in ETG were dramatically alleviated in comparison with NCG. On the other hand, there were not significant differences on the body weight, BMI, IκB, p-IκB, and IL-6 between ETG and NCG. Taken together, regular combined exercise-induced improvement of inflammatory responses in human PBMC and plasma appear to be attributed to the decreased body fat.
Key Words
Combined training, body composition, inflammatory response, PBMC, plasma
The Comparisons of Performances Based on Different Levels of Performing in the Glandslam Tennis Men`s Singles 테니스 그랜드슬램 대회의 선수 수준별 경기력 비교
49(3) 385-393, 2010
The Comparisons of Performances Based on Different Levels of Performing in the Glandslam Tennis Men`s Singles 테니스 그랜드슬램 대회의 선수 수준별 경기력 비교
The purpose of this study was to compare the performances based on different levels of performing in Glandslam Tennis Men's singles. In order to approach the goal of the study, 198 participants in the 2008 Grandslam Tennis has been selected as subjects. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to determine the data statistically and the Mann-Whitney U test was also used as a post-hoc comparisons after the Kruskal-Wallis H tests. Consequently, there were significant differences in the comparisons of performing levels. Firstly, there were significant differences(p<.05) of the competitions between 11 variables. Secondly, the winning % on 1st serve was significant different(p<.05) between Australian Open and French Open, Receiving points won % was significant different(p<.05) between French Open and US Open, and Unforced Errors was significant different(p<.05) on rest comparisons excluding the Australian Open and US Open comparison. Thirdly, the numbers of significant differences on the variables between players who played only 1 rounds and other rounds were greater than other comparisons. Fourthly, the number of variables found as significant differences was depending on the differences of performing levels.
Key Words
Performance analysis of sports, comparisons on different performing, performance profiling, tennis strategy
The Relationships among Participation Motivation, Physical Self-efficacy, Psychological Well-being of Table-tennis Participants with Physical Disabilities 장애인 탁구 동호인들의 참가동기, 신체적 효능감 및 심리적 안녕감의 관계
49(3) 395-405, 2010
The Relationships among Participation Motivation, Physical Self-efficacy, Psychological Well-being of Table-tennis Participants with Physical Disabilities 장애인 탁구 동호인들의 참가동기, 신체적 효능감 및 심리적 안녕감의 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the participation motivations, physical effectiveness and psychological well-being for the disabled ping-pong hobbyists. 278 copies of data among 298 data collected were used in final analysis. By using SPSS 15.0/AMOS 7.0, explanatory & confirmatory factor analyses, correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses were conducted. The final results were; Firstly, only internal motivation out of the participation motivations had negative(-) effects on confidence in self-expression of physical effectiveness, and positive(+) effects on the other factors. The external motivation had (+) effects on all of sub-factors of physical effectiveness. Secondly, the expression confidence in physical effectiveness had (+) effects on environmental control, autonomy and self acceptance of psychological well-being, while perceived physical abilities had (+) effects on autonomy, life goal and positive personal relation. Thirdly, the internal motivation out of participation motivations had (-) effects on environmental control, and (+) effects on autonomy, life goal and positive personal relation. The external motivation had (+) effects on all factors except life goal.